The purpose of this blog is to be an open forum where people can come with mending or alteration questions and ideas so we can all help each other save money and our favorite clothes!
Of course I had to stop and see my other two adorable grandkids (Ellie was asleep)
Brayden is learning to read and write!
Brayden was all about the scary faces pose. When his teacher asked him to introduce me, He crawled up on my lap and hid his face on my neck while giving me a big hug.
Victoria is such a talented writer!
Best reason to take time off work: Grandparents' Day! We had so much fun filling out a questionnaire about our likes and dislikes - and we have a lot of the same things. Victoria said, "You could check me and Brayden out and take us out to lunch if you want - just a suggestion" :) A few weeks later, Kim surprised them both by checking them out of school and taking them to lunch.
I've been married to Kim (who is oh so very talented) since December 15, 1977. We have 5 terrific kids, 2 wonderful daughters-in-law, an awesome son-in-law, and last, but certainly not least, 4 adorable grandkids! I love the challenge of altering/mending clothes in creative ways. No, really - when someone brings an item to me, I can't wait to get started on it!