Kathrin (aka "The Easter Bunny") went all the way out to 9500 South to get me these gluten free cake pops - and they didn't disappoint!
We had the whole family and Grandma (Besta Mor) over for a wonderful Easter dinner (April made a special pan of fantastic gluten-free killer brownies just for me :)
It stopped raining long enough for us to have an Easter egg hunt and then the kids and I put on a little Easter play about Christ's atonement and resurrection. I was so impressed with how much Victoria and Brayden know and understand about it all.
Five of my beautiful girls
Six of my beautiful girls (thankfully, Kathrin didn't inherit her fantastic photography skills from me . . . )
Ellie didn't like the feel of the grass so she picked up the candy with two fingers :) I can't believe she's going to be TWO in less than a month!