The purpose of this blog is to be an open forum where people can come with mending or alteration questions and ideas so we can all help each other save money and our favorite clothes!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
How Do I . . .
My VERY talented Mother-in-Law did this gorgeous embroidery on a linen tablecloth probably 65 years ago. It has some tears and stains so I want to cut it up and put part of it in a Heritage Quilt that SOMEDAY I'm going to make. I want to make myself a camp-type shirt out of the rest of it, but I think I probably need to somehow stabilize the fabric so it won't fall apart the first time I wear it. Any SUGGESTIONS?
You are an AMAZING seamstress. Thank you for all the fixes and mends you've done thus far for ME! I have more, too!! I know you can help me!
Just so you son LuBs you. He brings me things that need "fixin" and asks if I can just give it to Laura's Mom. He KNOWs I can't fix it.
Just yesterday he brought me 3 ties that the seam has come upart and asked if I could give them to "Laura's Mom" to fix...THEN...then...he leans over to me in Sac Mtg and tells me he needs a TOGA costume for a school play and wanted to know if you could "whip one up for him". I thought so funny...he thinks your his personal seamstress and he has TOTALY faith in your work.
I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to say "hi" Maybe I'll learn something from your blog, My mom said I could have her old sewing machine but I don't even know how to turn it on... I have a lot of learning to do.
WOW! HOW EXCITING that I had not just one comment, but FOUR!!! Thanks for all your support!! Miranda, just give me a call, or send stuff with Laura with explicit instructions. Alex - I'd love to help you learn how to use your sewing machine! (And you guys left an extended message on our phone that you obviously didn't know was on :) Don't worry - you and Brandon were just cheering Ava on for doing something cute.) And Rachelle (sp?) I hope you'll contribute tips too! Thanks again to y'all!
Jeanette: Here's my Grandma's suggestion. She said she once had great luck with a woven interfacing in making a suit for my dad. Good luck!
"As for using some of the fabric for a camp-type shirt (what exactly is that?), there are iron-on interfacings of various weights that can do wonders for flimsy materials.
Do take care if/when you launder it. Older fabrics are often a bit persnickety about this. Linen shrinks, but no doubt the tablecloth has been washed in times past. That leaves the present problem of its age-related delicacy."
Those are great suggestions! April's mom who is also vastly knowledgeable said the same thing - to back the table cloth with muslin and then just cut it out and sew it as if it was just one layer. A camp shirt is just one of those button down the front shirts with a collar and short sleeves. I want a classic style that won't go out of style so I can wear it forever :) Thanks so much!
I've been married to Kim (who is oh so very talented) since December 15, 1977. We have 5 terrific kids, 2 wonderful daughters-in-law, an awesome son-in-law, and last, but certainly not least, 4 adorable grandkids! I love the challenge of altering/mending clothes in creative ways. No, really - when someone brings an item to me, I can't wait to get started on it!
I love the detail in the embroidery! It is such a beautiful pattern! I don't have any suggestions... but I just wanted to comment :) Love you!
You are an AMAZING seamstress. Thank you for all the fixes and mends you've done thus far for ME! I have more, too!! I know you can help me!
Just so you son LuBs you. He brings me things that need "fixin" and asks if I can just give it to Laura's Mom. He KNOWs I can't fix it.
Just yesterday he brought me 3 ties that the seam has come upart and asked if I could give them to "Laura's Mom" to fix...THEN...then...he leans over to me in Sac Mtg and tells me he needs a TOGA costume for a school play and wanted to know if you could "whip one up for him". I thought so funny...he thinks your his personal seamstress and he has TOTALY faith in your work.
We'll talk soon...we need HELP!
I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to say "hi" Maybe I'll learn something from your blog, My mom said I could have her old sewing machine but I don't even know how to turn it on... I have a lot of learning to do.
What a great idea for this blog! I will be following, cause I always need sewing tips!:) Thanks!!
WOW! HOW EXCITING that I had not just one comment, but FOUR!!! Thanks for all your support!! Miranda, just give me a call, or send stuff with Laura with explicit instructions. Alex - I'd love to help you learn how to use your sewing machine! (And you guys left an extended message on our phone that you obviously didn't know was on :) Don't worry - you and Brandon were just cheering Ava on for doing something cute.) And Rachelle (sp?) I hope you'll contribute tips too! Thanks again to y'all!
I'm so excited to read about your genius and little projects!
I don't have a suggestion, but I have a brilliant grandmother who knows all things* about saving old heirloom fabrics. I'll ask her.
*She'd probably disagree and just say she knows some things, but I know nothing, so her knowledge seems like all things.
Here's my Grandma's suggestion. She said she once had great luck with a woven interfacing in making a suit for my dad. Good luck!
"As for using some of the fabric for a camp-type shirt (what exactly is that?), there are iron-on interfacings of various weights that can do wonders for flimsy materials.
Do take care if/when you launder it. Older fabrics are often a bit persnickety about this. Linen shrinks, but no doubt the tablecloth has been washed in times past. That leaves the present problem of its age-related delicacy."
Those are great suggestions! April's mom who is also vastly knowledgeable said the same thing - to back the table cloth with muslin and then just cut it out and sew it as if it was just one layer. A camp shirt is just one of those button down the front shirts with a collar and short sleeves. I want a classic style that won't go out of style so I can wear it forever :) Thanks so much!
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